This is the moment a Chinese police car is surrounded by a swarm of over 10,000 bees and one of the officers then fights off the flying insects with a hose pipe.
The bizarre scenes were filmed at a toll station in the city of Ningbo, in Zhejiang Province in East China, on 24th August.
The police unit was stationed at the Ninghai toll station on the Shenyan-Haikou Expressway when the bees swarmed their car, Chinese state media outlet China News Service reported.
In the video, the bees can be seen completely covering one of the back windows and spreading across the side of the vehicle, with one bunch gathering on a wheel.
A police officer surnamed Huang dispersed the bees using a pressure washer, the footage shows.
Huang fires the water at the swarm and the bees then fill the air as the cop continues to spray those remaining despite being surrounded by the insects.
CNS quotes the officers as saying the bees likely escaped a transport lorry as it passed through the toll station.
Most beekeepers in China keep imported European bees, as they are easy to maintain and produce more honey than their indigenous Chinese counterparts.
T4 / AWR