This is the moment half a dozen drinking buddies in Vietnam are set upon by a swarm of angry bees and flee in terror as they are repeatedly stung.
The incident took place in My Phu commune, Thu Thua district, Long An province, at around 4 pm on 29th February, with four of the men being rushed to hospital for emergency treatment.
The footage shows the men drinking around a table on a patio when they are suddenly attacked by the angry bees.
Two of the men frantically swat the bees away before all six of them get up from the table and run for cover.
The camera pans right and shows the men being repeatedly stung and trying to protect themselves from the angry insects, which stung their arms, faces, and hands.
Two of the men then ran back across the patio and hastily made their getaway from the home as the attack continued.

Local media said that the incident had taken place in a small hamlet and that four of the men had been hospitalised with anaphylactic symptoms due to multiple bee stings.
They said that three of the men had since been discharged, but one of the people is still receiving treatment in hospital.