Sixty Chicago primary school children learned more about the essential role honeybees play at a local community garden.
NeighborSpace – a nonprofit urban land trust in Chicago, Illinois, in the United States – assigned entomologist Brittany Buckles for its workshop attended by three sixth-grade classes from Prussing School.
The scientist told the students about the insects’ role as pollinators and explained the different tasks the bees were performing in the hive.

Ms Buckles told the Nadig Newspapers: “We use interactive pollinator workshops to grab peoples’ attention and hearts to make real change in communities.”
“Our workshops are usually given to our clients that host honeybee hives, but today we wanted to help connect 60 sixth-graders to nature through our pollinator workshop by partnering with the wonderful Spirit Community Garden.”
NeighborSpace says on its website: “We support community gardens – through property ownership, insurance, water, stewardship, education, tool lending, project planning, fundraising support, troubleshooting, and more — so that community groups can focus on gardening and on their community-building vision, generating food, beauty, play, health, and safety for their neighbourhoods.”