Asian Hornet Threat Tarnishes Hesse Honey Review

Beekeepers in southwestern Germany expressed their concerns regarding the spreading of a predatory species which is capable of destroying whole colonies.

Martin Weyrauch heads the Starkenburger Imkerkreis, an association of beekeepers in southern Hesse’s Bergstraße region.

Regarding the ongoing proliferation of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina), Weyrauch told the local Echo newspaper: “Several individual Asian hornets and nests were discovered in our area last year.”

The apiarists union chief underlined that beekeepers were “vigilant.” Weyrauch revealed the orchestrated destruction of Asian hornet nests would continue in 2023.

The Asian hornet – which is capable of delivering a painful sting – kills and eats honeybees. Its nests can feature colonies of several thousand animals.

Illustrative image of Asian Hornet Vespa velutina. (NewsX/Bee)

The first report about its presence in Europe dates back to 2004 when the insect emerged in southeastern France.

Reflecting on the harvest of 2022, Weyrauch lauded rapeseed and acacia honey yields. He added that forest honey volumes had been much lower than expected due to the scorching heat of last summer.


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