Picture shows sustainable Christmas gifts from the regional beekeeper - contents of the gift box: Oxymel, honey, beeswax candle, propolis lip balm, honey liqueur, honey lifter, undated. Honey is the perfect Christmas gift, a Tyrolean hobbyist beekeeper has claimed. (Imkerei Dolomitenbiene, NewsX/Bee)
Honey Praised As The ‘Ideal’ Xmas Present

Illustrative image shows an Asian hornet devouring wasp in Kent garden, undated. Anyone cutting back trees and bushes must ensure not to disturb any Asian hornet nests, an expert from Jersey has emphasised. (NewsX/Bee)
Keep Away From Asian Hornet Nests, Expert Warns Hobbyist Gardeners

Picture shows Robert McNair, who was stung by bees in Black Forest, a southern suburb of Adelaide, southern Australia, undated. The 69-year-old amateur apiarist attempted to remove a swarm of foreign bees that had invaded his hive. (NewsX/Bee)
Beekeeper Hospitalised After Swarm Assault

Leaf cutting bees (Megachile apicalis) and thistle (Cirsium sp.), undated. Rare plant species turn urban gardens into habitats that appeal to scarce kinds of bees and birds, researchers in the United States have found. (Photo by Malcolm Bowey, NewsX/Bee)
Rare Plants Attract Rare Bees, Dartmouth Research Shows

This illustrative image is said to show Apis mellifera iberiensis or the Spanish bee, undated. (NewsX/BF)