Bees attack people near a church in Dagua, Colombia, undated. After the intervention of relief agencies, the situation was controlled, and care was provided to people affected by stings. (CEN)
Beekeeper roping down a steep cliff to collect honeycombs in China, undated. China is the biggest producer of honey in the world, according to European Commission (EC) statistics. (@wwl2961182104, NewsX/Bee)
Swarm of bees gather on man's t-shirt in Battambang, northwestern Cambodia, undated. The swarm also gnawed a 25-centimetre hole into the batik fashion item. (Viral Press, NewsX/Bee)
Picture shows the swarm of bees which interrupted the clash between rival football clubs for half an hour in Ndola, Zambia. No one was injured in the 30-minute incident, according to a statement by visiting team, Forest Rangers Football Club. (NewsX/Bee)