Firefighters remove several combs and a large amount of honey from inside a wall in an apartment in a city in eastern China. In their Integrated Pest Management (IPM) fact sheet, they explain that the apiarist has to locate the nest by tapping the wall and listening for the hum of the colony. (NewsX/Bee)
Combs And 10 Kilos Of Honey Discovered In Cavity Wall

Firefighter crews save a family attacked by a swarm of bees during photoshoot in Buckeye Valley, Arizona, USA. Arizona Fire and Medical Authority (AFMA) said that the family mum had to be hospitalised after being stung dozens of times. (@azfiremedical, NewsX/Bee)
Woman Saves Kids Before Getting Stung More Than 75 Times

Illustrative image of fire department vehicles, undated. Thousands of bees have died as a fire destroyed their hives at the edge of a forest in western Austria. (NewsX/Bee)