A tree frog (Dryophytes japonica) spitting out a male wasp (Anterhynchium gibbifrons) after being stung (by pseudo-stings), undated. Male wasps use genitalia to sting their predators. (Current Biology/Sugiura et al., NewsX/Bee)
UMass Amherst research assistant Fiona MacNeill trimming one of the 105,000 flowers in undated photo. Certain physical traits of flowers affect the health of bumblebees by enabling the transmission of a harmful pathogen, research at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has shown. (Ben Barnhart, NewsX/Bee)
Picture shows Martin Giurfa, an expert on Experience-Dependent Plasticity in Insects, undated. The study - established by Prof Giurfa and four co-authors - entitled "An insect brain organizes numbers on a left-to-right mental number line" has been published by the scientific magazine PNAS. (NewsX/Bee)